Importance & Benefits of Early Childhood Education

June 7, 2022

Early education is well known to have a significant impact on children's brain development and Phonics is known to be the foundation of the academic development of a child. Children learn best when they are not pushed too hard and are allowed to express themselves. As a result, many parents take kindergartens seriously and devote extra time to their children in order to teach them the skills they believe they require. This has proven to be quite beneficial to a kid's higher education.

What is early childhood education exactly? 

According to Dr. Jessica Alvarado, academic program director for the BA in Early Childhood Development at National University, "early childhood education" refers to the time between a child's birth and when they begin kindergarten." According to Alvarado, it is a critical period in a child's life, since it is when they first learn how to interact with others, such as peers, instructors, and parents, and when they begin to develop hobbies that will last throughout their lives. But above all, the first thing a child learns is how to speak and read which is possible through Phonics as it is a key part of early childhood education.  

What Does Early Childhood Education Aim to Achieve?

Early childhood education is related to a training program for infants and toddlers. Children will develop their social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills in class, which will help them have a better future. Early childhood education, when done correctly, can help children of age 3.5 to 6 years establish a lifetime love of learning.

Early Childhood Education's Benefits

The mind of a young person is like a sponge. It has the ability to absorb a large amount of data, making it critical for kids to be guided while learning. There are significant benefits to early childhood education, which we have highlighted below:

  1. Socialization

Humans are highly sociable, and the basic concept of socialization begins in childhood. Children meet other children of their age in a safe atmosphere apart from their families, laying the seeds of socialization and 'friendship' in young brains. This aids in the development of self-confidence in children by removing their shyness.

  1. Holistic Development

It is critical for human beings to have a solid foundation in all aspects of their personality, including emotional, social, cognitive, and physical. Teachers who work with young children are well-versed in identifying a child's weak points and encouraging them to grow through practical sessions. In this scenario, peer interaction is crucial.

  1. The Importance of Education

Children gain a completely new perspective on the importance of education as a result of the new atmosphere provided in kindergartens. The usefulness of education is proven by people grasping knowledge and applying it to their life.

  1. Teamwork

Respect for others' perspectives, listening skills, and a mentality of equality are all factors in a person's ability to operate in a team. All of these attributes should be imparted to children at an early age. Many preschool activities emphasize teamwork and help children develop a positive attitude about working together.

  1. Brain development

KIndergarten activities that are professionally designed help children grow their brains. They can improve their skills by participating in a variety of activities that involve analyzing and logical reasoning.

How to lay a strong foundation for early childhood education  

First of all, focus on the child’s language and communication skills. The child is first introduced to language using recognition of sound and then attributing that sound to a word, 

The more a child learns about the sounds that make up words and how they blend together, the easier it will be for them when trying to read or pronounce new vocabulary.

Phonics Makes English Reading Easy for Kids. It is the backbone of any language

1. Magnifies child’s creativity and memory

2. Improves concentration and focus

3. Game changer for child's academic success

Key Challenges faced by parents & Children while learning phonics

1. The lack of an accredited Phonics curriculum 

2. The age-graded course is a significant drawback 

3. Phonics trained teacher

HOSS PPD - To carefully build a child's academic head start

Every HOSS class is an experience a child will cherish 

1. The phonics Flagship course is specially designed for the child. 

2. It is accredited by the American Board of Accreditation Services

3. Delivered by Passionate and competent trainers.

4. Personalized attention to each Child   

Book a Trial Class

Recent studies show the relevance of early childhood education in influencing a child's mental, emotional, and physical development. As a result, ensure child’s early Phonics training which is the key part of childhood education to improve the quality of his or her education. As a result, always ensure that they begin early as it is an academic head start.